A stunning centerpiece to home a full-sized bouquet of your favorite blooms. Inspired by the world that comes alive after the sun goes down.
The vase was thrown on the pottery wheel with a few pounds of black, stoneware clay. The two serpent handles and mushroom details were handcrafted over several days. It slowly dried for two weeks and fired in the kiln twice.
The outside of the vase is exposed, raw clay. The inside is coated in a glossy glaze and the mushrooms feature various glazed finishes.
The serpents eyes behold four, authentic opals that bathed in the healing light of the full moon.
The serpent symbolizes surrender, release, death and rebirth. In order to survive, serpents must routinely shed what keeps them from growing and no longer serves. Serpent energy is an empowering and comforting ally to lean on in times of transition and uncertainty.
7.5 inches | 19 centimeters tall
6 inches | 15 centimeters wide